Monday, January 26, 2009

Presidential Inauguration 2009: Inaugural Parade

President Obama approaches!, originally uploaded by soleil1016.

I was one of the fortunate few who got through to Ticketmaster and was able to get bleacher seat tickets for the inaugural parade. Even with a place to sit, it was a very chilly 6 hours between when I showed up in the morning (10am - I had to work a few hours from home that morning and nearly missed making it through security!!) and when the parade actually started (a bit past 4 pm - only 1+ hour late). My feet took the brunt of the cold, and by the time the President passed, I was happy to go warm up at home and watch the rest of the parade on TV! Still, it was exciting to be there and feel the energy of the crowd. I have a great deal of respect for the folks who showed up at the crack of dawn to claim their little piece of sidewalk and were tough enough to wait the entire day just to see President Obama pass by. That's dedication!

The Obamamobile!, originally uploaded by soleil1016.

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